Le Loup is one of those gems that I discovered grading CD's as a Dejay at WRMC. I definitely had to listen to a lot of shit bands in order to discover good ones but albums like these made it all worth it. Le Loup's first album, The Throne of the Third Heaven of the Nations' Millennium General Assembly, was my first contact with them in the purple-walled studio and when I saw there new album, Family, on the table this year it was with great enthusiasm that I snatched it up and brought it home.
On their first album I would have described them as a more ambient Animal Collective. Maybe along the lines of Lymbyc Systym. It was a blend of post-rock, electronic, ambient, indie-pop. Family forays into the folkier side of life. The album reminds me a lot of the Akron/Family's earlier stuff, al a Love is Simple. The tribal nature of the songs on the album are engaging and provocative yet they still retain an electronic pace and feel.
Enough indie rock name dropping. Get this album here in ALAC (come on, it's still lossless!
The band's based out of DC, so if you live down there, nudge nudge, go see them!